(Developing Social Competence)
Positive guidance is directed towards promoting acceptable behaviour that is appropriate for the child’s stage of development within the limits and boundaries of the centre.
To provide an environment where children are safe physically, spiritually and emotionally, where children are encouraged to engage in positive and appropriate interactions with one another. Teachers will empower children to learn to problem solve and resolve their own conflicts in a nurturing and just environment.
Prevention Strategies
>Children will be guided to develop a respect for keeping other children safe and free from harm. Children will be encouraged to care for others and the environment. An increasing sense of responsibility for their own well being and that of others will be fostered.
>Children will experience an environment where they know the limits and boundaries
>Teachers will use positive reinforcement, praise and encouragement of observed desired behaviour.
>Establish limits of behaviour for consistent practice.
- Keep ourselves and others safe.
- Respect the work of other children.
- Care for our property and equipment.
- Care for all living creatures and the natural environment.
>Children will be encouraged to take turns.
>Children can be re-directed towards a more appropriate activity.
>Children will be encouraged to resolve their own conflicts with support of teachers using positive guidance strategies.
>A range of activities and resources will be made available that provides availability of choice and quantity.
>Equitable opportunities will be provided irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity or social background.
>There will be spaces for group and individual work. Quiet and restful spaces will be available.
>There are consistent teacher ratios for planning that consider the interest of the child and allows time for authentic engagement.
>Teachers will be role models of respectful and appropriate social behaviour. >Teachers are encouraged to work as a team and support each other.
>The culture of the centre will celebrate cultural diversity that nurtures an understanding of difference and acceptance.
>The special place of Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa will be recognised.
>A calm and peaceful manner will used by the teachers as much as possible to ensure children’s dignity is upheld and respected.
>Teachers recognise the need for consistency in providing positive guidance.
>Teachers in some instances may use the ‘stand back’ strategy, to allow time for children to solve conflict for themselves before stepping in.
>Children will be encouraged to solve conflict with assistance from teachers in the first instance.
>Child will be reminded of acceptable behaviour and be offered an explanation of why certain behaviour is unacceptable.
>Removing an object of conflict that is central to the inappropriate behaviour after the above strategies have been unsuccessful.
>Teachers will use the strategy of positive statements that refer to the preferred action rather than the child personally.
>Child may be invited away from the area.
>In some situations a child may be removed from play to spend some time working alongside a teacher.
>Teachers will work together with parents to individualise behaviour guidance plans where appropriate.
>Parents are always notified of the occurrence of any extremely inappropriate behaviour and the methods used to modify it.
>Support from external specialist agencies will be discussed as an option if appropriate, with the full involvement and consultation with whānau.
Reference: Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008. Regulation 43 Licensing Criteria C10