Parent Information
We work with and alongside family, it’s a mix of what we know as teachers and child development theory and the aspirations family have for their children.

First Visits
After the initial visit to The Cottage and your decision to join us, we recommend short familiarisation visits with your child for an hour or so through the free play time of the day, perhaps once or twice.
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Settling your child and saying goodbye
Now that you have made decided to start at The Cottage, share your enthusiasm with your child. Talk about it often and make it so exciting for your child. When you are excited they will be too.
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School Readiness and the Transition to School
While the early childhood environment is valuable in its own right as a place for children to develop in their own time, we also consider it our responsibility to prepare children for school with lifelong learning skills. This forms part of our philosophy for how children learn.
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Portfolios & Artwork
A record of your child's growth and learning experiences will be recorded in their personal portfolio. These portfolios belong to you and your child and can be taken home at any time.
As teachers regularly refer to and write learning notes for your children please do remember to return them as soon as possible. Children’s learning will be made visible by visual displays in the classroom and the treasures they bring home.
We aim to preserve all the art your child creates during the day. Each child has a named kete on the deck where we regularly file away works of art.

When your child is unwell
If your child is unwell please keep them at home. This aids in their recovery and minimises the risk of infection to other children, their families and teachers.
Fees are payable for the days your child is absent due to illness at the usual rate.
Please click below to see our policies:

Pouring drinks for each other from ceramic water jugs...

Call Sara Now
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Drop in
Our door is open from 8am - 4.30pm. Only 2 minutes drive from Waimauku off SH16.
181 Taha Road
RD 1
Auckland 0881

Call Sara Now
Click a button call on your mobile
Drop in
Our door is open from 8am - 4.30pm. Only 2 minutes drive from Waimauku off SH16.
181 Taha Road
RD 1
Auckland 0881
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Photography by Chris Brittenden | Website by UpSurge