Our Philosophy
A place where children know what they think matters
At The Cottage Kindergarten children will:
Kia tamariki tonu te noho
Have time to be children
To have fun
Be creative
and to learn.
He waahi ako, he waahi atawhai. A place for care and learning.
We provide time and space for
Play and friendship,
Exploration, curiosity and innovation.
Building resilence & adaptibility
Connecting with the outdoors
Igniting a love of learning
Learning the uniqueness of Aotearoa
Ko te manaaki tangata te whainga. Looking after people is the goal.
Children will be nurtured and cared for
in a place that is safe and
Within a culture of
Respect, aroha, kindness, knowledge and joy.
Our Philosophy for Learning ... PLAY - OUTDOORS - FUN - LEARN with Aroha

At The Cottage we build a positive culture in which children are first and foremost valued, celebrated and affirmed for who they are and what they bring to their learning.
We focus on strong connected relationships and a sense of belonging, whanaungatanga, and contribution, so this place feels like their place. A place where children know that what they think matters, and that they are loved and cared for in an environment designed for living and learning.
Respectful and reciprocal relationships form the basis of recognising each other as unique and special individuals. Children’s emotional needs for connection and safety are met so they can be fully engaged in their journey as a lifelong learner. To read our complete Philosophy please click below.
Learning through Play
We believe children learn through play, within a relationally rich environment, with people places and things.
Children learn when they are engaged in experiences they love and enjoy. Where they feel safe and are fully seen and truly heard. This requires an environment that is calm and unhurried, to be’ unbusy’ and to be present.
Teaching and learning (ako) is based on the interests of the children and the collective values, beliefs and aspirations held by families, teachers and community.

Positive, respectful and reciprocal relationships are the foundation for a child’s sense of belonging and through these relationships we learn about their thoughts, feelings and ideas. We use the funds of knowledge children bring with them from home, as a place to launch their learning journey.
“Play by definition, is, first and foremost, an activity that is self-chosen and self-directed. It is an activity that you are always free to quit. Activities that are chosen by teachers and directed or evaluated by teachers, is not play." Peter Gray, Psychologist. Excerpt from "Play is learning: why playtime matters more than you think" Click below to see the whole article.
The Cottage Kindergarten is well resourced with thought given to the purpose, quality and placement of materials. Play outside in our spacious outdoor area is considered equal to inside as a place of learning and is open throughout the day year round.
See our Positive Guidance Policy linked below. This forms the basis of our teaching and learning, ako, at The Cottage. We use the funds of knowledge children bring with them from home, as a place to launch their learning journey.

Call Sara Now
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Drop in
Our door is open from 8am - 4.30pm. Only 2 minutes drive from Waimauku off SH16.
181 Taha Road
RD 1
Auckland 0881

Call Sara Now
Click a button call on your mobile
Drop in
Our door is open from 8am - 4.30pm. Only 2 minutes drive from Waimauku off SH16.
181 Taha Road
RD 1
Auckland 0881
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